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Working with Dementia/Mental Health

Kerry has worked with individuals with Dementia in their own homes and as a care worker in Residential Care.  Kerry understands the importance of giving someone time to respond and not to set them up to fail when asking questions that they may find difficult to answer. 

To support any individual it is vital that carers (Husband, Wife, Children) feel supported too as, without them, the cared for person is unlikely to be able to maintain good quality of life in their own home.  Kerry has links with Herefordshire Carers Support and Carers Gloucestershire and will work closely with them to ensure the support in place is right for both the cared for and any carers involved. 

Useful links:


Kerry has also worked closely with colleagues in Specialist Mental Health Services including Community Psychiatric Nurses, Consultant Psychiatrists and AMHP's (Approved Mental Health Professional).  In 2003/4 Kerry spent six months working in a specialist drop in centre for people with Mental Health difficulties and worked with individuals on a 1:1 basis and in group settings.