Help For Care - Professional and impartial advice and support
Free consultation 01432 870209

How Help for Care can help

Sometimes an individual needs advice on what services are available through Social Services and Kerry will always guide you back to them if she feels you're eligible to a free service from your Local Authority.

Where Help for Care can step in is when there are disputes between and individual and Social Care Team around the support a Local Authority should be offering.  Social Services are hugely busy places and can, at times, lose sight of a persons' Best Interest.  It can be hard as an individual to fight your own corner so Help for Care can do that for you. 

It is well known that people who fund their own care get limited advice and support from Soclal Services.  With the new Care Act 2014 there is more responsibility being placed on Local Authorities to support self funders.  However, there are no more resources to do so.  This means individuals often have to wait for support and this is not always possible. 

Help For Care can provide support much quicker and you are in control of how that support is provided, at what times and for how long.